Bronson Cave Loop Trail

The Bronson Cave Trail is a 5 mile loop that includes Mt. Hollywood Drive and the Brush Canyon Trail. The elevation gain of over 700′ happens mostly in the first mile however it’s the precarious climb to the top of the caves that makes this a dangerous 10/10 adventure. The reward is some unique views of the Hollywood Sign and Griffith Observatory.

The Parking – Try that dirt lot at the end of Canyon Drive. If it’s an insanely beautiful day on a weekend you still might get lucky, however, if only takes one jerk in an old Hummer to wreck the organization and there can be 10 fewer spots die to spoiled, lazy parkers. If you see a nice parallel spot along the road that’s an option as well. Now lock your car. I’ve seen people  “offering the service” of checking everyone’s car door to see if they are locked. The penalty can be an empty glove compartment when you return to your car.

The Best Thing – The cave is not a real cave. It’s a tunnel created while they were just mining all of the rock from here to make roads for Los Angeles in the 1920’s. For whatever reason they carved a cool tunnel that has ben use for batman, Star Trek, The Lone Ranger, Mission Impossible, The Wild Wild West, and every student horror sci-fi movie ever shot in Los Angeles.

When Covid hit they (whoever ‘they’ are) fenced the cave and although it looks temporary, as of this printing in 2023 you can non longer enter the cave. Check the website for updates –

The Route –  Walk up the asphalt road and turn right at the first yellow pipe gate uphill towards Bronson Cave. A few hundred yard and voila (or wa-la as the kids type on TicTok) around the bend to your left and the cave is right three. If it’s open go through. The other side usually has some hippie rock circle so drop a piece of save in there and chant to the crow spirits or whatever.

Now back to where you first saw the cave. If you look to the right before the cave there is a steep dirt trail that heads above the cave. You are right, it’s not for most people. It’s slick and unofficial and hand over hand. When you reach the ridgeline in 100 yards be careful, there are no guardrails. You could literally slip and fall to your death. Pay close attention and don’t be drunk, stoned, or a knucklehead.

Keep heading uphill to your right along the ridgeling.  The trail follows the ridge of the man-made canyon for a couple hundred yards and then continues steeply uphill. You will peak after 2 miles with a 700’ elevation gain.

As you begin downhill you will come across another hippie rock circle so… more offerings to the spirits and continue along the dirt trail. There’s a nice overlook to the right of Griffith Observatory – when we were there Adel was shooting a music video so… you might not get that soundtrack. Keep going on the dirt trail and quickly you will hit the asphalt Mulholland Road

Turn left and don’t worry about cars – this section of the road is closed to cars. I mean, cyclists might run you over, but you’re safe from cars. The asphalt road winds for ½ mile and the first intersection to your left is the Hogback Trail. Take that. Quickly there is another left and you are on the Brush Canyon Trail down toward your car. It is basically the extension of Canyon Drive. 4.2 miles. Boom.