The good news is that there is a ton of parking all throughout Griffith Park. The bad news? There are a ton of people who own their own cars in Los Angeles. On a beautiful weekend you will most likely have to do some circling and/or slowly stalking that family who looks like they are leaving… only to have them all grab a cooler and return to the park. (dammit!)
Here are some ideas for the main trailhead areas. And this is mostly for your weekend parking strategizing. During the week, even on an amazing day, there is ample free parking throughout the park.
1 – Bronson/ Brush Canyon – The dirt parking lot at the top can get wild. All it takes is for one dingleberry in his Tesla Cyber Truck to park slightly crooked and it becomes free for all. If you see an open curbside spot beginning at the playground area, take it. You’re going for a run/hike anyway. What’s an extra 50 feet.
2 – Lake Hollywood Hillside – This long hillside above Lake Hollywood will fill up however there is a very high turnover. People aren’t picnicking. They are getting their cardio on and heading out. Loop once for sure.
3 – Travel Town – The main lot has a surprising amount spaces open even on nice weekends however it does close at 5PM. The dirt lot next to it is great for the Skyline Trail but the dirt is pretty dirty. I wouldn’t park here right after your $25 trip to the Hand Wash Guy. And don’t forget the dirt lot next to the little railroad museum and across the road (zoo Drive) is a huge empty dirt lot that always has parking. It puts out an “I’m a City Truck Parking lot” vibe but it’s just a wide-open lot for us regular people.
4 – Zoo Parking – That entire lot is free and not just for zoo people! The edges of the lot are so wide open I see driving instructors regularly using it for parking lessons. As far as access to trails go it’s really not close to anything… except the zoo of course. If you’re bringing in a bicycle on a bike rack? Oh snap, this is the shizzle.
5 – Carousel Parking Lot A and Lot B – This is your biggest disaster. Picnics, birthday parties, all day corn hole tournaments – the only real advice I have is to go past the first lot, above the carousel, and the second lot may have some spots for you. I also recommend getting right with whatever god you talk to and then cheating on that god by saying a little prayer to the parking gods.
6 – Train Rides on Crystal Springs – This lot is really three lots. There is the main lot in front of the snack bar and train rides. However, since some ponies died and they shut down the pony rides there is plenty of parking in the long skinny lot along the road towards Los Feliz Blvd. Also, in the other direction, there is another dirt lot that is open intermittently. Sometimes used for Greek Theater parking, sometimes just left open, and sometimes just closed out of spite. Warning, it doesn’t take much rain to turn it into a mud pit.
7 – Greek Theater – When there are no shows this is worth a try. It’ll fill up but the refresh rate is decent. The roadside parking downhill from the theater and across the street from the golf course is also busy but refreshes regularly as well.
8 – Fern Valley – Try parking here mid day on a nice weekend and you are in trouble. Definitely drive slowly up to the top of the loop and look to the left. That lot has possibilities. The ancient asphalt in that lot is just poorly maintained enough that you can get away with sneaking some non-existent spots without really being technically “illegal.”
9 – Observatory Parking – If you are a wealthy tourist come on up! The road up to Griffith Observatory and the lot at the top are all $10 per hour. And still usually pretty full. These parking lot people seem to know what they’re doing. And I know what I’m doing – parking above the Greek Theater for free and walking uphill for 15 minutes.